lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

English Lenguage Challenges

Oh God how many things was passing all this time in the class of English in the university. It was amazing, i learned a lot of new words, adjectives and conjugations, all mixed like tutifruti. I love English like tutifruti. I still remember the class when the teacher teach us that the logo of pizza hut it`s not a hat, but a roof of a hut, that made that pizza hut had a better taste to me. 

I love use this blog because helps me to improve my abilities whit the writing. Sometimes i can hear someone speaking English and understand him, but is really difficult to transfer the words that the person is saying to the paper, or in this case, to the blog. this blog helps me to improve and bring out all my interior English. 

I think that i have to improve a lot of things in English yet.  I don`t know a lot of words and I feel confused whit some conjugations or alterations in words when i have to change it to future or past. I think that the better way to improve it is watching movies in English with subtitles in English to, or just watching movies or TV shows in English without any kind of subtitle.

Outside the English class I use it  a lot of times when i read a new on internet and when a American tourist questions me about a direction or about a typical food of the country like "chancaca" 

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


2014 it has been a good year, so much better than 2013, because in 2011 it was supposed that 2012 would be the end of the world but that never happened, at least in a objective sent. All the people was prepared to die, nobody was planned his life for 2013, then 2013 was a bad and strange year, because nothing was sent, seems like that year never existed, even though we was existing in that same year and moment (sorry sometimes i think a lot of philosophic tings). Anyway, 2014 it has been a good year because the scare of the end of the world was dissapear, we yet know that we don´t will die because the Earth will blow up, but because we will be olds and we will die for the lows of the nature and in peace or for cancer, in the majority of the cases.  

Anyway bad situations was did not go so well for me in this year, a lot of my favorite actors died and i can´t find my favorite t-shirt in my closet since last yesterday. but i had a lot of goods achievements, the most importants was when i acted in a movie like the boyfriend of Wendy Zulca, the famous pop Peruvian singer with 18 years old, and when i got a girlfriend in the real life, with 18 years old too, hahaha the crazy coincidences of the life. 

I haven´t traveled to another country or bought some clothes in a supermarket, but i put myself like a goal do that in December of this year, at least one of this two things. 

And that, it has been a good year and i´m waiting anxious the Christmas, for end the year with all my family and my beloved ones, bye bye. 

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


The money never was important in my life, i just use it for buy things but just for that, because what is life? money? i donth think so.

The better mode to use the money is spend it in things that helps you to survive. I admit that sometimes i spend my money in strange and funny things, like gums with stickers or giant pencils, because helps me to distract myself a little bit off all the misfortunes of  life, but when i have to buy something that is useful to survive, i spend my money in guns. I really love buy guns, because with guns i feel safe and alive, when i have a gun i think "With this gun i will never die", but to me all can be a gun, because someone can die ore can kill with anything, like die or kill with a car or die or kill with a microwaves, in fact, i buy a lot of cars and microwaves, because are my favorite guns, no like sandwiches. I hate sandwiches because are the worst guns of the world, even tough has a really good taste. 

Someones believe that i´m bad managing my budget, because i buy things that are unnecessary all time, but what is really necessary in this life, some people buy a big house with a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms, when they just use it one or two times at day. I think that money its made it for spend it and all is necessary, because for example if i feel a necessity of eat a sandwich, is necessary to buy it, even if the sandwich its the worst gun of the world. 

If i were millonaire i would buy a shave machine, i need one.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


I consider myself like a green man, because i help the world and the nature recycling. is funny when we relate the nature with the color green, because exist a lot of things with this color that was part of the nature but not now, like the money.  the tickets of the dollars are papers, and the paper came from the trees, i think like the budism, that all the things are his origin, therefore the money is part of the nature too. I recycle a lot of money all the time, is one of my favorite habits, for example when i buy bikes or when i buy aquariums for whales, in fact, i think that all the people cooperate with the environment, because all recycle the money, except the poor people, they are not so ecologist. The little amount of money that they have, have it saved in a jar, if they have a jar, and because that the world is as it is. Santiago needs more rich people, to be more clean.

i don´t drive a car, because i know that it´s not so ecologist and i love help the world. I pay a guy to drive for me, approaching to recycle money paying him, i kill two beards with just one shut jajajajajajaj!!!. Approaching the metaphor of kill beards, i´m not joined any eco-organization, because i don´t know any one, but i´m interested to meat a group that helps animals, like kill lions, that are the biggest threat to another spicies, specially the rats.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

New News of the New days

I saw yesterday on Bus TV, a new of a guy without a left arm that had a robotic arm made with a 3D scanner. This guy is Wladimir Silva, He is 22 years old and is a patient of Teleton that looks like Skrilex, but without an arm. 

The arm was designed for Jorge Zambrano In New York, i don´t know if Jorge Zambrano just designed the form of the robotic arm or made it too, like a scientific or an engineer. Anyway, he designed the arm and send a copy of five models to Chile, and Wladimir was the first in use one. 

Its shocking watch this, because the arm its not just an "inert thing", the grace of the hand is that can move her fingers. The robotic is ascending a lot in a berry short time, that is disturbing, because a lot of people dreams with a robot arm or leg, we can see in the picture how happy is Wladimir  for his new robotic arm, is obviously that he dreamed with have one all his live, because is a nerd. Anyway, when the robotic evolve to the degree of that a robotic arm has the same facility to use that a human arm, the people (first the nerd people ) will cut himself to have a semi robotic body, or worst, the people will cut the arms of another persons to steal his telephones, because they later will can replace it with another arm, a robotic arm that maybe will has an I Phone 100 in his middle finger, and when he call someone, he will stand up his finger, and someone of the street with a robotic arm too, will believe that the guy its showing the middle finger for he, and will be a dangerous fight with two robotic arms, or more, because maybe in the future we will have more arms because the evolution. 

Anyway, the technology evolution generate good things to a lot of persons in all the world, like the smile of Wladimir for example, but bad consequences to a lot more, like a fight or a third war with robot arms in all the countries in a soon future. 

I like hear about good news with not bad consequences, like the news that shows when the TV news are ending, like a dog making friend with an elephant, or a baby duck finding his mom, i like animals news.  

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014


Six years ago, in the birthday of my mom, i was burred talking with all my family and eating pie. Suddenly, my mom presents me Pedro. She tolds me that Pedro is my middle brother that she had secretly with a zoo guard. First i was a bad person with Pedro, but i remember at the perfection when Pedro, within seconds, quit me anger telling me a Joke about dogs, that made me blow up of laugh. 

From there Pedro and me are inseparables. Most that a brother is for me, my best friend. He is really funny, say jokes all time, in fact, he wants to be a comedian. He likes dressing like me, to talk like me and eat the food that i eat. We have the same tastes, he loves pizza, i love pizza, he likes watch TV, i like watch TV, he loves hear music, ME TOO!!! JAJAJAJA.

Pedro all time say me that he wants to be like me, and i just laugh, because i want to be like him too. We are one person when we are together. The unic difference between Pedro and me, is that Pedro is smaller than me, i love him. 

One day, i  remember berry good, Pedro invited me to the zoo. His father let us enter free, a good guy his dad. I meated a lot of animals, lions, elephants, tigers, berry funny. But the funniest moment, the best memory that i have with Pedro, was when he fart in the face of a monkey when it was sleeping. JAJAJAJA, the monkey wakes up confuse and after that ate a banana. In that moment Pedro said, "that banana should taste very well" and he farts again. True story.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014


Sex, drugs and rock and roll; thats are the elements that a good band has to have for make a good show in the stage when make a concert. You can switch one ore two of the concepts if you don´t like some, but you have to change it with another. For example, if you don´t like sex, you can change it with kiss, or if you don´t like drugs, you can change it with alcohol or eat and if you don´t like rock, you can change it with water. In my case, i prefer eggs, pizza and sushi rolls (jaja i like the word games) because i love eat things, not necessarily food

I remember the concert of Sonic Youth, because had a lot of food in the floor. Obviously i didn´t eat anything, but only the fact of watch it, makes me feel a lot of emotions, like, i don´t know... conviction, and mixed with the music, oulalaa!!. 

I don´t remember in what year Sonic Youth arrived to Chile, but i was just a baby and was the first time that i smoked weed. It was a big mistake, because i ate a chocolate in the floor that makes me feel bad and next i ate another thing and another thing, and i don´t know how, but i ended eating a rock, i have to admit that i have tried worst. Well, obviously that history its all a metaphor, that represents the emotion that make me feel the rock, when you "eat it". The sex and the drugs i don´t know, because i´m still a baby ;)

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


It's difficult to me choose a favorite film, because I'm studying filmmaking and i watched a lot of movies of all types that i love. I don´t like choosing a favorite thing, because in this world are too many things to stay with just one. But if i have to talk about a film who represents me, without a doubt i would say "Cars" (not Cars 2, i choose the picture of Cars 2, because Cars 1 doesn´t have good pictures in Google).

Cars have all the things that i like, is the mix of all my favorite movies, as "Fast and furious" (except the 2), and 3D animation as "Shrek" (except the 2 too). I don´t like when the directors make a sequel in their movies, it's like if I have this Chiguagua, this Chiguagua die and afterwards I buy a new Chiguagua, that's cruel. I love the movie "Chiguagua in Beverly Hills" too, but Cars doesn´t have dogs, if i'm right. It would be strange a dog car, even more if it's a Chiguagua car, i don´t know if there exists a mexican car brand with a little model.

However i'm not writing about Chiguaguas, but about the movie Cars. I did the test drive when i had 19 years old, and I failed. It's difficult to drive a car and i think if it's difficult for humans to drive a car, must be much harder to a car drive itself. The Lightning McQueen (protagonist of the movie) is a hero for me, because he can drive himself and reach its goals, literally, because its a race car and he have to reach to a goal.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


The Earth its a planet with a lot of funny places. That is a country for me, a funny place, because if i go to some country, anyone, i supose that i will have a good and funy time. The problem its that travels can be not funny if the airplane blows up, or the sheep...i don`t know, blows up to. So i would like to go to any country  that doesn`t exist the posibilitie of die in a transport that can blow up. For that reason, Bolivia its a good country to visit to me, because i think that Argentina its the same thing than Chile, just with the difference that the meat, girls and  TV comercials are better. 

I know that Bolivia its sheeper, brown and have fat womans with a funny hat in all the corners of the streets. I like that Bolivia doesn`t has beaches, because i imagine that is a big beach withought wather, just with sand and sun. and thats are the best elements of a beach. I hate the ocean becouse its more dangerous than a airplane or a sheep.

I would like to buy somes sheepers hats and sit in a corner and put me in the shoes of a fat bolivian woman, and know what they are thinking. the better form to know a country its knowing the culture of his people being one more of theys. 

I would like live there, because if i do the thing of sit in a corner with a hat, i will transform in a fat bolivian woman and i will like that way to live. Or maybe not, but its dificult left that action, because for something they can`t stop do that. It`s interesting of all way... 


domingo, 22 de junio de 2014


Sing, sing, sing how beautiful is sing. I love songs like I love women, and if I have to marry with a song I choose all the songs. Because they all make you dance in a different form, but if i have to choose a song for have a not serious relationship, just like a girlfriend. I choose "My immortal" from the band "Evanescence". What a beautifull song, if that song was a woman she would looks like a pale person with a red dress that falls in grass covered in snow, like a swan but in the body of a woman, maybe like Natalie Portman in the movie Black Swan, but more subjetive and less skinny.

I don´t know what Evanescence says in this song, but I don´t care, because music to me just sounds that for a strange reason makes you feel deeply emotions. That song makes me feel good, like the song "I feel good" but in slow motion and with a lot of magic in the sky. Rodrigo Diaz, my idol, won in the TV show "Rojo fama contra fama" thank to this song, and when I saw that performance it was the moment when i discovered my connection with Rodrigo. That might portray the feeling that that song makes in my heart.

Here its the video:


Hi, fellas from the internet, I’ll write now about my favorite web page.

Well, without a doubt my favorite web page is In this page you have all the information that you need to know about Pizza pizza and his news. What pizza do you prefer? the napolitan pizza? the hawaiian pizza?, this page shows all the varietys of pizza that Pizzapizza can do for you and your family. You just have to click in "menú" and done. I love the facility that Pizzapizza gives me in its page. In this site there are no just pizzas but stubbys and garlic sticks for choose.

There are a lot of funny sections in this web page, like the section of coupons that gives exclusive alternative benefits if you buy your pizza online. My favorite coupon is the coupon that gives you ice cream if you ask a pizza with three ingredients or more and a stubby. You have the "promotions" section too, where you can meet all the promotions that pizza pizza has for you, that are just two. The Happy hour promotion and the 2x1 promotion. The "local" section is another section that shows you in a map all the locals of Pizzapizza that are in Santiago. Here comes a fricky datum, San Bernardo doesn´t have a Pizzapizza local. The "work" section, I don´t know what are in this section and the better section, the "funny zone" section, that has a program school, corporatives events, gift certificates, news and videos that shows how funny its Pizzapizza. 

Don’t forget to register in the page, to have all the news in your email.


When I have to talk about soccer, I prefer talk about sports, because to me, all sports are kind of the same. You just need a ball and people that run in a place for an specific time. Its like if god in a moment say, i will create the sports, and he or she (I don`t know) makes a lot of balls and put this in different places of the world. A culture with one of these balls made tenis, another culture made bowling, another soccer and Mexican people without know what the hell do with that ball, fight between they and create the boxing and that strange azteca sport where the indigenous hit the ball with their hip. Even the names are similars, like tennis and table tennis, or baseball and basketball... I dont know. all can resume in a ball. 

I don´t like sports because i don’t like balls. They are so round and doesn´t have any smooth place. They are so strange, like the earth that it’s like a ball also. I prefer the time when people believed that the Earth was square, its stressful to know that you are living in a big ball, and down of me are a lot of Japanese playing Ping Pong, with their flag that have a red ball drawn and his eyes that don´t are looks like a ball, but if you cut his eyelids, are like a balls too. Why all have to look like a ball, I want to be a triangle, why I can`t be a triangle?!.

Yet I like soccer, it’s funny. 

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014


Oh God, what time is it? in what moment came the time that i have to talk about my blog experience?. It was be a long trip, with a lot of adventures. Exploring areas inside myself that I didn´t know with a lenguage that i didn´t know too until now... I guess. Write in english give me a feeling of freedom, its a simple and beautifull lenguage that can mix all the cultures of the world. Gives the oportunity to meet and share with another person, not necessarily an English person, but also a Chinese or a Japanese that can talk a little bit in english like me and give a little description about hisself that give me a little knowledge of his life and the life in general. Because all are part of the life and our lifes are THE LIFE, and with this blog, now I feel much more alive. Because the life consists in know it. live consist in know each part of she, and the english and this blog is a part of the life too.

How don´t remember the blog about Rodrigo Diaz, how all we laugh with this post. In the moment that i wrote about he i felt a strange pasion that makes my express a lot of feelings and dreams that were hidden in the depths of my mind. This blog gives me the oportunity to dare to say the things that i think, like i find funny that the words "thing" and "think" are similar because i think in a thing and maybe the things are just  thinking. I don´t know... I like talk about silly thing, because maybe the life are stupid. Dont worry, i will not kill myself after this post.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014


If the world were a library, everything would be better, but boring too, because must have explosions to need the silence, and that are the books to me, an object who give silence to hear the sounds of your mind; or in another words, to make blow up your mind. 

There are so many kinds of books and authors who dealing with many topics and expressed a lot of different experience and ways to think that i like, but i think that the tales for kids are the best topic, because are stories for kids writing from adult people. And that makes that the stories have hidden content allied with dark themes far far away from the kid mind, like dead, pedophilia or abortion.

Definitely my favorite tale it´s "Three little pigs" because its a metaphor of hurricanes. I like hurricanes because they are like UFOs from the earth but more strangers and dangerous, because they abduct not just cows but houses too. One reads the book and think ¿how can a wolf  down a house blowing it? thats can be absurd, its just wind, but it's real. In effect, the wind can down a house that is called hurricane and things like this are an example when fiction exceeds reality.

The fact that the characters are animals it´s another metaphor of dramatic things of our lives, in the book "The farm of the animals" this metaphore of humans like pigs are also, they represent the Marxism transformed into capitalism in this pig fatness. In the book "Three little pigs" one understand that if you build a house with bricks and not with branches or wood, you are in the good way, because the wind doesn´t will down your house. That´s a modernist vision typical from capitalism. 

The wolf ends entering into the chimney of the house and burning, then he decides not to eat pork and it`s also a lesson and a methaphore for being a vegetarian. one can find a lot of readings in this book  and i like this so much.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


This is my favorite picture with the idol of all my life: Rodrigo Diaz.

I have a photograph collection with me and famous people, like me and Italo Passalacqua, Albert Einstein, Buzz Lightyear, Jesús, etc. But the most valious picture of the collection is, without a doubt, the one that I'm with Rodrigo Diaz, the famous chilean dancer. He is a great person and I could note it in the same moment that I saw his eyes, and he saw mine too. His bright smile gave me the confidence to approach him and ask for a picture without any fear. It was the first time of my life that a famous treats me like a friend.

In the photograph you can see how my hand don't touch his shoulder, because I felt a lot of respect for him in that moment, but Rodrigo grabs my waist with a strong firmness. In that moment I had a lot of fantasies like we were a couple dancing or we were the finalist of the TV show "Rojo, Fama Contrafama", but it doesn't matter who won, because we were friends of all the time. In my fantasy I was Pablo Vargas, another great dancer.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014


In my childhood i saw a lot of TV, specially the cartoons like the Looney tunes and Nickelodeon cartoons . Now, just sometimes i see television and is when i am tired. I turn on the TV just for hear something to sleep. Even so, the TV its my favorite technological machine, well... no the TV in general, just my TV. because my TV has a special faculty, the faculty of turn the screen blue every five minutes when turned on, and the only solution to return to normal the screen and watch the cartoons is throwing a shoe, thats is my favorite part of the process.

I hate the technological machines because i cant understand it, that's why i love hit machines and more with a shoe, because it's like an action who bugs bunny would. Beside my bed i have a mountain of shoes for not get up and hit the TV, just i have to choose a shoe and throw it. Thanks to the TV, all the shoes that i don´t use has an utility. They are like my remote controls.

It's a shame that the shoes aren't a technological machine, but i think that in the future all the things will be robots, even the shoes and  the TV's. That is a shame too, because in the future there will be no TVs like mine. No longer exist that romanticism to hit machines more. Maybe the TV's will throw shoes to us, but that is another story.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Hi, my name is Ignacio but people calls me Nacho. I'm twenty one years old and i like the diet coke. I don't know why in Chile its coca light and in the EEUU it's called diet coke. in the nights i like to take a walk with my dog, her name is Nadia like the romanian gymnast Nadia comaneci. Because she jumped a lot in her yought, but not so much now, because she's eight years old and this is an old eight for a dog. sometimes i feel like a dog, and i think that i will die soon, but dead doesn't scares me becouse i believe in the live last the "dead", but not in god... unless he was an alien. I think that the dinosaurs were aliens too.