lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


2014 it has been a good year, so much better than 2013, because in 2011 it was supposed that 2012 would be the end of the world but that never happened, at least in a objective sent. All the people was prepared to die, nobody was planned his life for 2013, then 2013 was a bad and strange year, because nothing was sent, seems like that year never existed, even though we was existing in that same year and moment (sorry sometimes i think a lot of philosophic tings). Anyway, 2014 it has been a good year because the scare of the end of the world was dissapear, we yet know that we don´t will die because the Earth will blow up, but because we will be olds and we will die for the lows of the nature and in peace or for cancer, in the majority of the cases.  

Anyway bad situations was did not go so well for me in this year, a lot of my favorite actors died and i can´t find my favorite t-shirt in my closet since last yesterday. but i had a lot of goods achievements, the most importants was when i acted in a movie like the boyfriend of Wendy Zulca, the famous pop Peruvian singer with 18 years old, and when i got a girlfriend in the real life, with 18 years old too, hahaha the crazy coincidences of the life. 

I haven´t traveled to another country or bought some clothes in a supermarket, but i put myself like a goal do that in December of this year, at least one of this two things. 

And that, it has been a good year and i´m waiting anxious the Christmas, for end the year with all my family and my beloved ones, bye bye. 

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