lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


The money never was important in my life, i just use it for buy things but just for that, because what is life? money? i donth think so.

The better mode to use the money is spend it in things that helps you to survive. I admit that sometimes i spend my money in strange and funny things, like gums with stickers or giant pencils, because helps me to distract myself a little bit off all the misfortunes of  life, but when i have to buy something that is useful to survive, i spend my money in guns. I really love buy guns, because with guns i feel safe and alive, when i have a gun i think "With this gun i will never die", but to me all can be a gun, because someone can die ore can kill with anything, like die or kill with a car or die or kill with a microwaves, in fact, i buy a lot of cars and microwaves, because are my favorite guns, no like sandwiches. I hate sandwiches because are the worst guns of the world, even tough has a really good taste. 

Someones believe that i´m bad managing my budget, because i buy things that are unnecessary all time, but what is really necessary in this life, some people buy a big house with a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms, when they just use it one or two times at day. I think that money its made it for spend it and all is necessary, because for example if i feel a necessity of eat a sandwich, is necessary to buy it, even if the sandwich its the worst gun of the world. 

If i were millonaire i would buy a shave machine, i need one.

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