lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

English Lenguage Challenges

Oh God how many things was passing all this time in the class of English in the university. It was amazing, i learned a lot of new words, adjectives and conjugations, all mixed like tutifruti. I love English like tutifruti. I still remember the class when the teacher teach us that the logo of pizza hut it`s not a hat, but a roof of a hut, that made that pizza hut had a better taste to me. 

I love use this blog because helps me to improve my abilities whit the writing. Sometimes i can hear someone speaking English and understand him, but is really difficult to transfer the words that the person is saying to the paper, or in this case, to the blog. this blog helps me to improve and bring out all my interior English. 

I think that i have to improve a lot of things in English yet.  I don`t know a lot of words and I feel confused whit some conjugations or alterations in words when i have to change it to future or past. I think that the better way to improve it is watching movies in English with subtitles in English to, or just watching movies or TV shows in English without any kind of subtitle.

Outside the English class I use it  a lot of times when i read a new on internet and when a American tourist questions me about a direction or about a typical food of the country like "chancaca" 

1 comentario:

  1. I don´t know a lot of words in English too and I don´t have fluency, in my case.
