domingo, 22 de junio de 2014


Sing, sing, sing how beautiful is sing. I love songs like I love women, and if I have to marry with a song I choose all the songs. Because they all make you dance in a different form, but if i have to choose a song for have a not serious relationship, just like a girlfriend. I choose "My immortal" from the band "Evanescence". What a beautifull song, if that song was a woman she would looks like a pale person with a red dress that falls in grass covered in snow, like a swan but in the body of a woman, maybe like Natalie Portman in the movie Black Swan, but more subjetive and less skinny.

I don´t know what Evanescence says in this song, but I don´t care, because music to me just sounds that for a strange reason makes you feel deeply emotions. That song makes me feel good, like the song "I feel good" but in slow motion and with a lot of magic in the sky. Rodrigo Diaz, my idol, won in the TV show "Rojo fama contra fama" thank to this song, and when I saw that performance it was the moment when i discovered my connection with Rodrigo. That might portray the feeling that that song makes in my heart.

Here its the video:

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