domingo, 22 de junio de 2014


Hi, fellas from the internet, I’ll write now about my favorite web page.

Well, without a doubt my favorite web page is In this page you have all the information that you need to know about Pizza pizza and his news. What pizza do you prefer? the napolitan pizza? the hawaiian pizza?, this page shows all the varietys of pizza that Pizzapizza can do for you and your family. You just have to click in "menú" and done. I love the facility that Pizzapizza gives me in its page. In this site there are no just pizzas but stubbys and garlic sticks for choose.

There are a lot of funny sections in this web page, like the section of coupons that gives exclusive alternative benefits if you buy your pizza online. My favorite coupon is the coupon that gives you ice cream if you ask a pizza with three ingredients or more and a stubby. You have the "promotions" section too, where you can meet all the promotions that pizza pizza has for you, that are just two. The Happy hour promotion and the 2x1 promotion. The "local" section is another section that shows you in a map all the locals of Pizzapizza that are in Santiago. Here comes a fricky datum, San Bernardo doesn´t have a Pizzapizza local. The "work" section, I don´t know what are in this section and the better section, the "funny zone" section, that has a program school, corporatives events, gift certificates, news and videos that shows how funny its Pizzapizza. 

Don’t forget to register in the page, to have all the news in your email.

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