domingo, 22 de junio de 2014


When I have to talk about soccer, I prefer talk about sports, because to me, all sports are kind of the same. You just need a ball and people that run in a place for an specific time. Its like if god in a moment say, i will create the sports, and he or she (I don`t know) makes a lot of balls and put this in different places of the world. A culture with one of these balls made tenis, another culture made bowling, another soccer and Mexican people without know what the hell do with that ball, fight between they and create the boxing and that strange azteca sport where the indigenous hit the ball with their hip. Even the names are similars, like tennis and table tennis, or baseball and basketball... I dont know. all can resume in a ball. 

I don´t like sports because i don’t like balls. They are so round and doesn´t have any smooth place. They are so strange, like the earth that it’s like a ball also. I prefer the time when people believed that the Earth was square, its stressful to know that you are living in a big ball, and down of me are a lot of Japanese playing Ping Pong, with their flag that have a red ball drawn and his eyes that don´t are looks like a ball, but if you cut his eyelids, are like a balls too. Why all have to look like a ball, I want to be a triangle, why I can`t be a triangle?!.

Yet I like soccer, it’s funny. 

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