lunes, 16 de junio de 2014


Oh God, what time is it? in what moment came the time that i have to talk about my blog experience?. It was be a long trip, with a lot of adventures. Exploring areas inside myself that I didn´t know with a lenguage that i didn´t know too until now... I guess. Write in english give me a feeling of freedom, its a simple and beautifull lenguage that can mix all the cultures of the world. Gives the oportunity to meet and share with another person, not necessarily an English person, but also a Chinese or a Japanese that can talk a little bit in english like me and give a little description about hisself that give me a little knowledge of his life and the life in general. Because all are part of the life and our lifes are THE LIFE, and with this blog, now I feel much more alive. Because the life consists in know it. live consist in know each part of she, and the english and this blog is a part of the life too.

How don´t remember the blog about Rodrigo Diaz, how all we laugh with this post. In the moment that i wrote about he i felt a strange pasion that makes my express a lot of feelings and dreams that were hidden in the depths of my mind. This blog gives me the oportunity to dare to say the things that i think, like i find funny that the words "thing" and "think" are similar because i think in a thing and maybe the things are just  thinking. I don´t know... I like talk about silly thing, because maybe the life are stupid. Dont worry, i will not kill myself after this post.

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