lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

English Lenguage Challenges

Oh God how many things was passing all this time in the class of English in the university. It was amazing, i learned a lot of new words, adjectives and conjugations, all mixed like tutifruti. I love English like tutifruti. I still remember the class when the teacher teach us that the logo of pizza hut it`s not a hat, but a roof of a hut, that made that pizza hut had a better taste to me. 

I love use this blog because helps me to improve my abilities whit the writing. Sometimes i can hear someone speaking English and understand him, but is really difficult to transfer the words that the person is saying to the paper, or in this case, to the blog. this blog helps me to improve and bring out all my interior English. 

I think that i have to improve a lot of things in English yet.  I don`t know a lot of words and I feel confused whit some conjugations or alterations in words when i have to change it to future or past. I think that the better way to improve it is watching movies in English with subtitles in English to, or just watching movies or TV shows in English without any kind of subtitle.

Outside the English class I use it  a lot of times when i read a new on internet and when a American tourist questions me about a direction or about a typical food of the country like "chancaca" 

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


2014 it has been a good year, so much better than 2013, because in 2011 it was supposed that 2012 would be the end of the world but that never happened, at least in a objective sent. All the people was prepared to die, nobody was planned his life for 2013, then 2013 was a bad and strange year, because nothing was sent, seems like that year never existed, even though we was existing in that same year and moment (sorry sometimes i think a lot of philosophic tings). Anyway, 2014 it has been a good year because the scare of the end of the world was dissapear, we yet know that we don´t will die because the Earth will blow up, but because we will be olds and we will die for the lows of the nature and in peace or for cancer, in the majority of the cases.  

Anyway bad situations was did not go so well for me in this year, a lot of my favorite actors died and i can´t find my favorite t-shirt in my closet since last yesterday. but i had a lot of goods achievements, the most importants was when i acted in a movie like the boyfriend of Wendy Zulca, the famous pop Peruvian singer with 18 years old, and when i got a girlfriend in the real life, with 18 years old too, hahaha the crazy coincidences of the life. 

I haven´t traveled to another country or bought some clothes in a supermarket, but i put myself like a goal do that in December of this year, at least one of this two things. 

And that, it has been a good year and i´m waiting anxious the Christmas, for end the year with all my family and my beloved ones, bye bye. 

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


The money never was important in my life, i just use it for buy things but just for that, because what is life? money? i donth think so.

The better mode to use the money is spend it in things that helps you to survive. I admit that sometimes i spend my money in strange and funny things, like gums with stickers or giant pencils, because helps me to distract myself a little bit off all the misfortunes of  life, but when i have to buy something that is useful to survive, i spend my money in guns. I really love buy guns, because with guns i feel safe and alive, when i have a gun i think "With this gun i will never die", but to me all can be a gun, because someone can die ore can kill with anything, like die or kill with a car or die or kill with a microwaves, in fact, i buy a lot of cars and microwaves, because are my favorite guns, no like sandwiches. I hate sandwiches because are the worst guns of the world, even tough has a really good taste. 

Someones believe that i´m bad managing my budget, because i buy things that are unnecessary all time, but what is really necessary in this life, some people buy a big house with a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms, when they just use it one or two times at day. I think that money its made it for spend it and all is necessary, because for example if i feel a necessity of eat a sandwich, is necessary to buy it, even if the sandwich its the worst gun of the world. 

If i were millonaire i would buy a shave machine, i need one.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


I consider myself like a green man, because i help the world and the nature recycling. is funny when we relate the nature with the color green, because exist a lot of things with this color that was part of the nature but not now, like the money.  the tickets of the dollars are papers, and the paper came from the trees, i think like the budism, that all the things are his origin, therefore the money is part of the nature too. I recycle a lot of money all the time, is one of my favorite habits, for example when i buy bikes or when i buy aquariums for whales, in fact, i think that all the people cooperate with the environment, because all recycle the money, except the poor people, they are not so ecologist. The little amount of money that they have, have it saved in a jar, if they have a jar, and because that the world is as it is. Santiago needs more rich people, to be more clean.

i don´t drive a car, because i know that it´s not so ecologist and i love help the world. I pay a guy to drive for me, approaching to recycle money paying him, i kill two beards with just one shut jajajajajajaj!!!. Approaching the metaphor of kill beards, i´m not joined any eco-organization, because i don´t know any one, but i´m interested to meat a group that helps animals, like kill lions, that are the biggest threat to another spicies, specially the rats.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

New News of the New days

I saw yesterday on Bus TV, a new of a guy without a left arm that had a robotic arm made with a 3D scanner. This guy is Wladimir Silva, He is 22 years old and is a patient of Teleton that looks like Skrilex, but without an arm. 

The arm was designed for Jorge Zambrano In New York, i don´t know if Jorge Zambrano just designed the form of the robotic arm or made it too, like a scientific or an engineer. Anyway, he designed the arm and send a copy of five models to Chile, and Wladimir was the first in use one. 

Its shocking watch this, because the arm its not just an "inert thing", the grace of the hand is that can move her fingers. The robotic is ascending a lot in a berry short time, that is disturbing, because a lot of people dreams with a robot arm or leg, we can see in the picture how happy is Wladimir  for his new robotic arm, is obviously that he dreamed with have one all his live, because is a nerd. Anyway, when the robotic evolve to the degree of that a robotic arm has the same facility to use that a human arm, the people (first the nerd people ) will cut himself to have a semi robotic body, or worst, the people will cut the arms of another persons to steal his telephones, because they later will can replace it with another arm, a robotic arm that maybe will has an I Phone 100 in his middle finger, and when he call someone, he will stand up his finger, and someone of the street with a robotic arm too, will believe that the guy its showing the middle finger for he, and will be a dangerous fight with two robotic arms, or more, because maybe in the future we will have more arms because the evolution. 

Anyway, the technology evolution generate good things to a lot of persons in all the world, like the smile of Wladimir for example, but bad consequences to a lot more, like a fight or a third war with robot arms in all the countries in a soon future. 

I like hear about good news with not bad consequences, like the news that shows when the TV news are ending, like a dog making friend with an elephant, or a baby duck finding his mom, i like animals news.  

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014


Six years ago, in the birthday of my mom, i was burred talking with all my family and eating pie. Suddenly, my mom presents me Pedro. She tolds me that Pedro is my middle brother that she had secretly with a zoo guard. First i was a bad person with Pedro, but i remember at the perfection when Pedro, within seconds, quit me anger telling me a Joke about dogs, that made me blow up of laugh. 

From there Pedro and me are inseparables. Most that a brother is for me, my best friend. He is really funny, say jokes all time, in fact, he wants to be a comedian. He likes dressing like me, to talk like me and eat the food that i eat. We have the same tastes, he loves pizza, i love pizza, he likes watch TV, i like watch TV, he loves hear music, ME TOO!!! JAJAJAJA.

Pedro all time say me that he wants to be like me, and i just laugh, because i want to be like him too. We are one person when we are together. The unic difference between Pedro and me, is that Pedro is smaller than me, i love him. 

One day, i  remember berry good, Pedro invited me to the zoo. His father let us enter free, a good guy his dad. I meated a lot of animals, lions, elephants, tigers, berry funny. But the funniest moment, the best memory that i have with Pedro, was when he fart in the face of a monkey when it was sleeping. JAJAJAJA, the monkey wakes up confuse and after that ate a banana. In that moment Pedro said, "that banana should taste very well" and he farts again. True story.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014


Sex, drugs and rock and roll; thats are the elements that a good band has to have for make a good show in the stage when make a concert. You can switch one ore two of the concepts if you don´t like some, but you have to change it with another. For example, if you don´t like sex, you can change it with kiss, or if you don´t like drugs, you can change it with alcohol or eat and if you don´t like rock, you can change it with water. In my case, i prefer eggs, pizza and sushi rolls (jaja i like the word games) because i love eat things, not necessarily food

I remember the concert of Sonic Youth, because had a lot of food in the floor. Obviously i didn´t eat anything, but only the fact of watch it, makes me feel a lot of emotions, like, i don´t know... conviction, and mixed with the music, oulalaa!!. 

I don´t remember in what year Sonic Youth arrived to Chile, but i was just a baby and was the first time that i smoked weed. It was a big mistake, because i ate a chocolate in the floor that makes me feel bad and next i ate another thing and another thing, and i don´t know how, but i ended eating a rock, i have to admit that i have tried worst. Well, obviously that history its all a metaphor, that represents the emotion that make me feel the rock, when you "eat it". The sex and the drugs i don´t know, because i´m still a baby ;)