lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


This is my favorite picture with the idol of all my life: Rodrigo Diaz.

I have a photograph collection with me and famous people, like me and Italo Passalacqua, Albert Einstein, Buzz Lightyear, Jesús, etc. But the most valious picture of the collection is, without a doubt, the one that I'm with Rodrigo Diaz, the famous chilean dancer. He is a great person and I could note it in the same moment that I saw his eyes, and he saw mine too. His bright smile gave me the confidence to approach him and ask for a picture without any fear. It was the first time of my life that a famous treats me like a friend.

In the photograph you can see how my hand don't touch his shoulder, because I felt a lot of respect for him in that moment, but Rodrigo grabs my waist with a strong firmness. In that moment I had a lot of fantasies like we were a couple dancing or we were the finalist of the TV show "Rojo, Fama Contrafama", but it doesn't matter who won, because we were friends of all the time. In my fantasy I was Pablo Vargas, another great dancer.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014


In my childhood i saw a lot of TV, specially the cartoons like the Looney tunes and Nickelodeon cartoons . Now, just sometimes i see television and is when i am tired. I turn on the TV just for hear something to sleep. Even so, the TV its my favorite technological machine, well... no the TV in general, just my TV. because my TV has a special faculty, the faculty of turn the screen blue every five minutes when turned on, and the only solution to return to normal the screen and watch the cartoons is throwing a shoe, thats is my favorite part of the process.

I hate the technological machines because i cant understand it, that's why i love hit machines and more with a shoe, because it's like an action who bugs bunny would. Beside my bed i have a mountain of shoes for not get up and hit the TV, just i have to choose a shoe and throw it. Thanks to the TV, all the shoes that i don´t use has an utility. They are like my remote controls.

It's a shame that the shoes aren't a technological machine, but i think that in the future all the things will be robots, even the shoes and  the TV's. That is a shame too, because in the future there will be no TVs like mine. No longer exist that romanticism to hit machines more. Maybe the TV's will throw shoes to us, but that is another story.