lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


The Earth its a planet with a lot of funny places. That is a country for me, a funny place, because if i go to some country, anyone, i supose that i will have a good and funy time. The problem its that travels can be not funny if the airplane blows up, or the sheep...i don`t know, blows up to. So i would like to go to any country  that doesn`t exist the posibilitie of die in a transport that can blow up. For that reason, Bolivia its a good country to visit to me, because i think that Argentina its the same thing than Chile, just with the difference that the meat, girls and  TV comercials are better. 

I know that Bolivia its sheeper, brown and have fat womans with a funny hat in all the corners of the streets. I like that Bolivia doesn`t has beaches, because i imagine that is a big beach withought wather, just with sand and sun. and thats are the best elements of a beach. I hate the ocean becouse its more dangerous than a airplane or a sheep.

I would like to buy somes sheepers hats and sit in a corner and put me in the shoes of a fat bolivian woman, and know what they are thinking. the better form to know a country its knowing the culture of his people being one more of theys. 

I would like live there, because if i do the thing of sit in a corner with a hat, i will transform in a fat bolivian woman and i will like that way to live. Or maybe not, but its dificult left that action, because for something they can`t stop do that. It`s interesting of all way...